Steffi August
She is the German 'Energiser' - flat out and forever. Terminally bubbly and positive and full of can-do. And all this despite her roots.
Steffi August emerged from behind the Iron Curtain, the oppression of the communist enclave of East Berlin, the Soviet occupied sector of the city during the cold war. Her early life was minimalist, structured and controlled.
"As soon as the Stasi discovered we wanted out, they made it difficult for us. We lost our jobs and they bugged our home and car and went through our flat when we were out." Her family was targeted too. They hounded her brother to deter him from leaving too. He tried to commit suicide and now lives in a special home for brain damaged people. Steffi August is sad but pragmatic.
"If you are not happy with something, whatever it is, change it. But you have to be ready for the consequences otherwise you won't have the strength to follow through. Change is a process not an event."
"But some new Zealanders do not appreciate what we have. We have privilege, we have jobs, homes and holidays. We have good food and a good country. We have to open our eyes. We are stressing about the little things. But they are nothing at all. Enjoy life."
"If you want to do something then just do it. Trust yourself, I wanted it and I did it." She holds a masters from the university of positivity and happiness.
Steffi August:
- Winner of the “Brightstar Emerging Speaker of the Year 2018” NSANZ
- Winner of the Fast-Track Scholarship NSANZ 2017
- Accredited Member of National Speakers Association NZ
Thank you so much for making such a huge difference in our people – they clearly truly appreciate it. Jillian Emery, Organisation Development Specialist, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana
You are wonderful Steffi! Thanks so much for how you are helping us. I notice in meetings that people that who would have been too scared to speak up, are speaking up more and more! It’s hard to report and measure the difference, but I’m noticing it, and I love that people are more confident to share their ideas. Amy Gibson, General Manager Operational Excellence, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana
Thank you Steffi. I was thinking this morning on my drive into work how wonderful this opportunity has been to regain my confidence; your workshops I feel has/is doing me a world of wonders. I’m worried about the workshops coming to an end. Thank you for the feedback and I will do my best to take on the challenges you have suggested. Jacqui Rolleston, Consents Subject Matter Expert, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana
Appreciate the feedback and great to give me areas where I can make improvements. Will be working on dropping my filler words and keeping my hands still. I have to say I’m loving this course, and really enjoy the group togetherness. Thanks heaps and see you next week. Sean Heasman, Comvita
You have helped me in more ways than you realise. I couldn’t help but open my new recipe book and its AMAZING! You are such an inspiring woman! Thank you so much and love to you and your family this xmas. Jo Kapua, Maritime Administration Officer, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana