Marcus Akuhata-Brown
Marcus Akuhata-Brown is a gifted communicator who has travelled the world extensively. He has done everything from meeting the Queen and dining with members of the Royal family to working with the poor and marginalised in countries around the world.
Marcus will stimulate, entertain and inspire your audience with his powerful message and creative style of delivery. He grew up on the East Coast and his father is from Te Whanau o Tuwhakairiora of Te Araroa on the East Cape, and he also has Ngai Tahu and Kahungunu tribal affiliations. His mother is a fifth generation New Zealander with European ancestry. A qualified teacher and gifted communicator, Marcus has led a number of innovative programmes addressing the learning and developmental needs of youth at risk and young offenders. Since 1996 Marcus has travelled all over the world as both a national and international representative and delegate.
Marcus was a Director on the international board of CIVICUS as well as being an ex-officio member of the Commonwealth Youth Caucus. He founded Tukaha Global Consultantcy in 2000 and currently divides his time between speaking and consultancy work, land development in Te Araroa and personal studies through Te Wananga o Raukawa.
Employment History
2001- present: Director Tukaha Global Consultancy Ltd
2000: Special Attachment, Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlbourgh House, London
1998: Pan Commonwealth Youth Representative, Commonwealth Youth Programme / Chair, Commonwealth Youth Caucus
1997: Intervention Teacher, Fairfield College
1995: Communtity Project Worker, Maatua Whangai O Kirikiriroa, Department of Internal Affairs
1993: Principal, Te Huarahi Alternative Education Centre
1991: Residential Assistant, Waikato University
International Experience (Highlights)
2002: International Facilitator, CITIZEN YOU, Sunderland, North England CIVICUS Representative, Melaka Youth Dialogue, World Assembly of Youth, Malaysia
2001: Leader International Debating Team / Cumberland Lodge, Great Windsor Park, England International Facilitator, Indigenous Youth Enterprise Development Workshop, Carins, Australia Guest Presenter, South Pacific Regional Advisory Board Strategic Deveopment Workshop, Nandi Fiji
2000: Convenor, Head Facilitator, South Pacific Youth Forum Strategic Planning Workshop, Rarotonga, Cook Islands Internship, Commonwealth Youth Programme South Pacific Centre, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Head of Delegation, Commonwealth Youth Forum, Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting, Honiara, Solomon Islands Special Attachement, Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlbourgh House, London England
Performer, Kai korero, Ngati Rarana Kapa Haka Group, Sardina Italy, International Facilitator, Commonwealth Youth Forum, CHOGM, Durban, South Africa
1999: Workshop Facilitator, CIVICUS General Assembly, Manila, Phillipines Consultant, South Pacific Regional Advisory Board, CYP, Nauru, Participant / Facilitator, Commonwealth Youth Programmes, Strategic Planning Workshop, Lusaka, Zambia Member, Commonwealth Ministerial Review Group, London England/Bridgetown, Barbados
1998: Com’Delegate, United Nations, Lisbon, Portugal, Member Committee of Management, Commonwealth Youth Programme, Com Sec, London, England, New Zealand Delegate, Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1999: New Zealand Delegate to Inaugural Commonwealth Youth Forum, CHOGM, Edinbourgh Scotland
Diploma in Teaching, Waikato University
- Team Work & Community Building
- Participatory Development
- Motivational Speaking
- Youth Development
- Cultural Integrity & Globalisation
- Training & Planning for Success
- Developing a Common Vision
- Successful Living Strategies
Marcus was the keynote speaker at our staff training and development day. His story was challenging, inspiring and very entertaining. I highly recommend him to you as a first class speaker and communicator whose story will leave you inspired.” - Anne Skerton : First Nation Real-Estate
“It was wonderful to have such an excellent role model and communicator take time from his busy schedule to impart into the lives of our students. I would recommend Marcus to any organisation that would want to motivate their young people to become all that they could be.” - Sue Paton : Senior Counsellor Educator, Wellington City Mission
Just to let you know – Marcus was fantastic!!!. First time I have ever seen a standing ovation for a speaker, and the comments on the conference feedback forms about him were awesome. Definitely recommend him. – Local Authority Property Association Conference
Marcus Akuhata-Brown has a profound story to tell. His unique delivery style is refreshing and inspiring to all who listen. His ability to connect with a wide range of people from varied backgrounds is exceptional. Marcus is a gifted communicator who can inspire and motivate you to take action and move to the next level. Barry Purcell : National President, SWAP
Marcus is the most fantastic, brilliant, inspiring & entertaining speaker I have ever heard. I have seen and heard many speakers, but none have ever made me want to hang around with the crowds after and wait to have my turn to simply shake his hand and say “thank you”. I would strongly recommend everyone take time to hear him speak, to hear his story. It takes a special person to bring a room full of mostly middle aged engineers to their feet (and even some of them to tears). Bruce Miller – Ingenium Conference
...both his content and delivery were superb. The audience consisted of both male and female and age range from early 20's to late 60's and Marcus hit the spot with everyone. Pete McBreen - Education Services
Thank you very much for your help in organising Marcus for us last week. His talk was exactly what we needed and more. I really appreciate the way it worked out at late notice and you ensured we could arrange the talk according to our needs. We also really liked that Marcus arrived early to be part of the beginning of our meeting and was available afterwards for further discussions. This was much more appropriate than a speaker who would turn up exactly according to the tight time frame agreed. Tania Latu - SAF Practitioner
Everyone responded very well to Marcus and enjoyed his delivery and humble manner as well as his interactions before and after the event; a good indicator is the discussions and name-dropping that occurred around our kura long after he left. Marcus was almost the perfect fit; he understood our request very well and made every effort to connect and fit in and there was nothing overlooked – we also had good communication from him and the agency leading up to our event.
Robert Solomone - Alfriston College
Marcus was amazing and I can honestly say each and every staff member was left in awe of his story. We all left feeling empowered on a work level and a personal level and wished we had allowed more time with him but that was our fault having such a full agenda. Staff had to take a break at the end as tears were flowing throughout the room but that just goes to tell you how well Marcus touched each and every one of us. To this day we are still getting reports of how much staff enjoyed him. We would really like to thank Marcus for being a true inspiration. He has definitely had quite an effect on a lot of our staff and I’m sure we will choose to engage with him again. Deanne Ives - Primary ITO