Ralph Brown CSP
Ralph Brown is a Certified Speaking Professional an accreditation given to only the world's top speakers. Ralph speaks on many aspects of business such as change, resilience, success, performance, challenge, attitude and presentation skills.
Ralph specialises in the science of success. He has extensive experience in business and a background in psychology and journalism with Television New Zealand and the BBC. He is an inspirational and motivational speaker, with substance. Your attendees will leave your conference with simple, practical ideas they can use.
He was awarded the top international professional speakers accreditation CSP in 2011.
Ralph's books include Success at Work and at Home (about the skills of top performers) The Village That Could - (a fable about resilience) and Making Business Writing Easy and Making Business Writing Happen (Allen and Uniwin).
"How to Make This Your Best Year Ever”
Ralph's selection of the five of the best ideas from the latest discoveries about what really makes people successful. Much of the old advice about goal-setting and staying motivated doesn't check out. Discover the five ideas that should be your focus this year.
“Keeping Ourselves and Our Team Resilient and Motivated in Challenging Times”
Including what the world's top achievers do to stay motivated, persistent, focused and optimistic when the going gets tough and how to use the same ideas yourself and with your team. Your audience will leave with a checklist of simple, practical ideas - all based on what resilient teams and individuals really do.
“What the world’s most persuasive people do”
Simple, practical and ethical techniques to make your recommendations, proposals and business cases more successful. You can use the same ideas to change attitudes and behaviour. You can use them in sales. It's all based on what objective researchers have discovered about influencing others. Hear why telling audiences about the benefits of your proposal isn't very persuasive - and what is. Discover why the world's top persuaders are far more interested in understanding than explaining. Maybe we could include how to make key ideas 'sticky', how to grab your audience's attention and hold it, or how to use the language of persuasion.
“Fun With Writing”
Is it possible to make business writing fun? At a conference? Oh yes. It's a great way to start or enhance a plain English culture in your organisation. Ralph will get them laughing and learning. He'll create memories. They'll leave with a simple writing and editing method they can use for the rest of their careers.
'He captivated and informed us for an hour. It was a superb performance. His engaging, relaxed manner was the mark of a true professional, using anecdotes, research, absorbing content and humour. It was a presentation not to be missed.'