Tony Adams
Tony Adams is an amazing fellow, He overcame an inability to walk and dyslexia to become a qualified architect and later, successful stockbroker. He then went to to become (not once, but twice) The World's Fastest Tap Dancer as proven in the Guiness Book of World Records. An amazing story.
is a powerful motivational speaker, stockbroker and businessman. He inspires audiences with his passion for achieving against adversity. Crippled at birth and battling dyslexia throughout his childhood, he beat horrendous odds to win numerous national dance titles as a teenager before becoming New Zealand’s first male tap dancing teacher and has recently set a Guinness world record as the fastest tap dancer in the world.
Tony Adams is a Wellington stockbroker, businessman and international dancer who has had a life of achieving against adversity and succeeding in troubled times. Crippled at birth, he beat horrendous odds to win numerous New Zealand dance titles, become New Zealand’s first male tap dancing teacher. Even more amazing in June 2009 he joined a select few who hold multiple Guinness World Records™ by tap dancing at 17.6 beats a second for 60 seconds to be recognised as the fastest tap dancer in the world !
Tony battled with dyslexia as a teenager and over came this to achieve qualifications in architecture and share-broking. He received his share broking licence just two weeks before the 1987 stock-market crash. Despite this timing he went on to become one of New Zealand’s leading retail stockbrokers and achieved such success that he was able to retire in his mid-40s.
Against a backdrop of falling CD sales and uncertainty in the future of the music industry he co-founded Sydney based Scorpio Music in 2005, the associate company of which now manages 12 international bands and acts including the hugely successful Evermore, Operator Please and The Hampdens.
Tony took his selling & customer psychology skills learned in stock market trading and applied them to the competitive world of retailing. Over a period of 4 years he opened 3 antique & collectibles shops in unfashionable suburban locations and achieved 500 customers per weekend in each shop. This was attained without a dollar being spent on advertising or promotions.
Over a lifetime of challenges, Tony has turned his life around by learning to overcome adversity in his business and personal life. He is passionate about sharing his three-step process for achieving powerful change – a process that can work for everyone whether in sales, management or on your own as a sole trader. He strongly believes that with the power of the mind we all have the ability to succeed in realising our dreams – whatever they may be. Tony is the partner of world champion mountain biker and stair climber Melissa Moon. Tony and Melissa support each other in their individual quests to be top of the world in their chosen disciplines. Tony has recently been seen on Close Up and Good Morning.
Powerfully transform your events with Tony’s high-impact presentations:
• Selling in troubled times
• The power of the mind
• A three step process to success
• Achieving against adversity
• Sales and Marketing
• Building a business
• Customer relations
• Entrepreneurship
• Market positioning.
• Management
• Team building
• Believing in yourself