Joan Baker
Former President of the NZ Institute of Management Auckland, former Managing Director of Ashton Scholastic Books, former Director Management Development Auckland College of Education, and Dunedin College of Education, Joan now works in the corporate sector.
Joan is a lovely Irish lady with a long career in education and management. Brings a wealth of experience to her presentations.
Joan is a company director and a consultant to business and not-for-profit organisations in almost all areas of business. Together with partner Martin Hawes, she provides wealth coaching. She specialise in helping organisations and individuals plan for their future, make the changes necessary for high performance, and ensure that people achieve excellence
Improve Your FQ (Financial Quotient), Wrightbooks, 2003
Get Rich, Stay Rich (with Martin Hawes), Allen & Unwin, 2003
Get Set By 30 (With Annette Sampson), Allen & Unwin, 2004
Smart Women, Smart Money, Allen & Unwin 2004
Coach Yourself to Wealth Allen and Unwin 2005
Live the Dream Allen and Unwin (2006)
A Man is Not A Financial Plan Allen and Unwin (2007)
The Last Fencepost – Succession for Farmers (2008)
Previous experience includes:
Board Member, New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)
Managing Director, Scholastic NZ Ltd
Marketing Development Manager, DB Breweries Ltd
Regional Sales Manager, DB Breweries Ltd
Human Resources Manager, DB Group Ltd
President, New Zealand Institute of Management (NZIM), Auckland
Board Member, NZIM National Inc
Board Member, Save The Children NZ
Board Member, Workbridge, Inc
Director, Montage Ltd
Director, Mount Aspiring Guides Ltd
Director, School Management Development, Auckland College of Education
Director, School Management Development, Dunedin College of Education
Principal Lecturer, Continuing Education, Dunedin College of Education
Senior Lecturer in English, Dunedin College of Education
Qualifications: MBA, M.Ed,, B.Ed (Hons)
- Ban busy!
- My best self – and how to spend more time there!
- Mini changes for maximising productivity
- Productivity pirates – taming your distractions
- Just one thing – finding the changes that will change your life
- If you offered a dog this life the SPCA would raid – getting more than a dog’s life
- Immunise yourself from the overwhelm epidemic
- Stop looking for balance and find your fit
- Use - rather than abuse - your brain for productivity/performance
- You’ll never outperform your habits – getting the best practices for you
- Waste it, kill it, spend it, squander it, misuse it – or invest your time
- Do the numbers – days left to live, hours per week, productive time per day…
- Procrastinate – on the right things!
- Stop letting tomorrow win – making today count
- Ask good questions – if I had another month each year…if i had another day each week
- Creating achievement islands
- From frenzy to flow
- From priorities to posteriorities – creating a stop doing list
- Habit – the key to your success
- Use your brain!
- Change anything!
- Holding crucial conversations (at home and at work!)
- Having crucial confrontations (at home and at work!)
- Having both time and money
- Auditing your time
- Focusing on the vital few rather than the trivial many
- Doing the right things right
- Cultivating productive and satisfying habits
- Measuring your life
- Getting a meaningful life
- Clarifying your values and drivers
- Do the Math – the numbers that really matter!
- Defining performance
- Setting goals and objectives
- Devising measures of performance/KPIs
- Preparing for your own performance appraisal
- Making feedback a positive experience
- Developing a feedforward habit
- Holding one to one performance discussions
- Holding individuals and teams accountable
- Holding crucial conversations (at home and at work!)
- Having crucial confrontations (at home and at work!)
- Appraising and reviewing performance
- Discussing development
- Individualising development plans
- Leading your own development
- Dealing with difficult people
- Confronting non- performance
- Delegating better
- Love them or lose them
- Making them great
- Finding great people
- Recognising and Rewarding people
LEADERSHIP/other people
- Inspiring others
- Modelling the way
- Challenging the status quo
- Enabling others
- Celebrating success
- Leading change
- Leading yourself
- Becoming a great coach
- Asking the right questions
- Finding great people
- Making them Great
- Love’ em or Lose ‘em
- Recognition and Reward
- Delegate without disaster
- Making meetings work
- The Board you can’t afford
- Developing megaskills for success
- Toughening up
- Getting better work-life balance
- Growing empathy
- Managing conflict
- Embracing change
- Becoming more strategic
- Planning with focus
- Failing to plan = planning to fail
- One page planning/pulling the plan together
- Developing dreams, visions, scenarios
- Clarifying values
- Refining a mission
- Setting goals
- Crafting a viable business model
- Making better decisions
- Determining business drivers
- Uncovering personal drivers
- Planning for risks
- Getting and managing growth
- Unleashing creativity
- Innovating for success
- Designing creativity and innovation in
- Tools for planning
- Succession planning
- Planning for exit and the next stage
- Getting pricing right/avoiding price fright
- Making cash king
- Building your own dashboard/steering wheel
- Getting your money
- Funding your business
- Improving productivity
- Watching for waste – muri, mura, muda
- Achieving financial freedom
- Creating goodwill
- Cashing in
- Creating and securing wealth
- Family trusts for Business
- Helping customers buy
- Asking for the order
- Quoting as a sales pitch
- Creating a sales system
- Negotiating to seal the deal
- Qualifying prospects
- Getting referrals
- Marketing comparatively
- Finding customers
- Building your brand
- Developing hot (and cheap!) marketing ideas
- Getting great word of mouth
- Engaging customers
- Handling complaints
PERSONALITY TYPE – Using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator
- Understanding my personality
- Understanding how others differ
- Improving communication skills using type
- Improving time management using type
- Better meetings using type
- Better teaming using type
- Dealing better with change using type
- Handling stress using type
- Enhancing leadership using type
- Leading through functions – ST, SF, NF, NT
- Leading through temperament – the catalyst(NF), the stabiliser (SJ), The negotiator/troubleshooter (SP), the visionary builder (NT)
- Leading through Quadrants – the thoughtful realist (IS), the action oriented realist (ES), the thoughtful innovator (IN), the action oriented innovator (EN)
KILLER QUESTIONS TO EXPLORE – a provocative place to start on many issues…
- Are you fishing in a dry ditch?
- Is your business model sound?
- Can your business create wealth?
- What’s your business worth?
- Are you creating a saleable business?
- Who will buy your business?
- Does the business pay you properly?
- What’s your edge?
- What’s your job?
- What’s the stuff that only you can do?
- Are you doing the right things right?
- How will you win?
- Are you good enough?
- How will you measure your life?
- Who do you want to become?
- How are you doing?
- Why do it?
- Would you work for you?
- What’s your brand?
- What do you want to be famous for?
- Are you in people’s quality world?
- What does it mean to lead?
- Will your team answer ‘yes’ when asked:
- Are you inspired by the person who leads you?
- Does s/he model the way?
- Has s/he character – does/he do the right thing?
- Does s/he enable others to be their best?
- Can s/he energise and keep others engaged?
- Which Numbers really count?
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