Michael Gerber
Every revolution has a leader...to awaken the spirit, to champion the cause, to lead the charge! Business visionary, entrepreneur, best-selling author and Chairman of E-Myth Worldwide, Michael Gerber has been leading a Small Business Revolution before anyone knew there was one! He called it The E-Myth Revolution, and over the past two decades, he has indelibly touched hundreds of thousands of small business owners throughout the world with his brilliantly insightful, original E-Myth message. Michael Gerber's E-Myth Point of View embodies his commitment to personal growth and the realization that a business owner's purpose in life can be actualized through his or her business. Michael Gerber's efforts, his message--his very life's work has been to empower business owners to gain more freedom, more money, more time, and more life. Because what he speaks about is revolutionary. Michael Gerber calls it "The Turn-Key Revolution," a stunningly original way to dramatically increase the performance and productivity of companies, managers, and salespeople–in fact, anyone in an organization, large or small. Over the past four decades, "The Turn-Key Revolution" has produced some of the most profound–and unlikely–business successes the world has ever seen: McDonald’s, The Body Shop, Disney, Federal Express, and hundreds more. Michael Gerber speaks about: how to apply the brilliantly simple principles of "The Turn-Key Revolution" to any company or any individual who possesses the will and determination to grow and excel. To Michael, great businesses understand the power of leverage, the power of the Turn-Key system, the power which comes from being able to produce extraordinary results through ordinary people. As the Chairman of E-Myth Worldwide, the innovative multi-million-dollar consulting firm he founded in 1977, Michael Gerber and his staff have applied the principles of "The Turn-Key Revolution" to solve problems experienced by more than 20,000 small- and mid-sized client companies. Marketing and sales problems, production problems and financial problems - the kind of problems every CEO and every president, every manager in every kind of company–no matter how large or small–experience day-in and day-out. Michael Gerber puts those problems into a clearer perspective, and in so doing, reveals the way out. Every business has an opportunity to seize "The Power Point," that specific place in the mind of its customers, its competitors, its employee, its suppliers, its shareholders, That's the message Michael Gerber will deliver. The following are just a few of the topics Michael Gerber has addressed with his audiences around the world: Michael Gerber on Management: "There aren’t any bad managers. There are only untrained managers, unmanaged managers, managers operating without a management system, managers expected to produce miracles without the right perspective and without the right tools and the right training. Anyone can become an effective manager who wants to, provided the right systems are in place. But no one can become an effective manager without those systems. Michael Gerber on Marketing: "The simplest approach to creating a powerful position in your market... immediately...no matter what your business does, no matter where you do it. Great marketing is found in very few businesses. Great marketing comes from an understanding that every business has an opportunity to seize "The Power Point," that specific place in the mind of its customers, its competitors, its employee, its suppliers, its shareholders, and its lenders and investors which distinguishes that business from every other business in the world. Knowing what that place is and how to fill it as fully as possible is what great marketing is all about." Michael Gerber on The Entrepreneur: "The fact is that most people who start a business of their own aren’t entrepreneurs. They’re technicians suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure. And that’s the problem. The technician who starts a business looking for independence builds the business around his or her own personal skills, and immediately goes to work. By anybody’s definition, that’s not a business but a job. The entrepreneur, on the other hand, creates a business that works successfully without the entrepreneur. Thought of in that way, the truly entrepreneurial personality invents a business that works in such a remarkably unique way that it is immediately differentiated from every other business in the world. Now, that’s independence Documented in his mega-best seller The E-Myth: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It, Michael Gerber's E-Myth point of view provides those typically enslaved by a business with a way out of what he calls "the tyranny of routine." Dragging down the owner's entrepreneurial spirit, this tyranny is the dull, repetitive work Michael Gerber refers to as doing-it, doing-it, doing-it. The E-Myth powerfully describes how to rise above that tyranny of routine to build a flourishing, exciting, innovative business. The E-Myth is much more than just a book! After intensive research and hundreds of thousands of hours testing essential business development principles, practices and systems, Michael Gerber successfully created a programmatic method that works for anyone determined to improve the condition of his or her business. As a result, The E-Myth is now a process, a system, a model which can be implemented in any small business--and when implemented--will provide freedom and joy for the owners, employees and staff. Besides speaking to business audiences, Michael Gerber expresses The E-Myth Point of View through his highly-acclaimed business books, audio tapes, videos, radio and television broadcasts. His book, The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It, (HarperBusiness), is licensed in 16 languages and has gone into its tenth printing. Selling over a million copies, The E-Myth Revisited has been named one of the top business best sellers. Gerber has also authored The Power Point HarperBusiness), The E-Myth Manager: Why Management Doesn't Work and What to Do About It (HarperBusiness), and The E-Myth Contractor - Why Most Contractors' Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It (HarperBusiness). His latest book, published in January 2003 is The E-Myth Physician Why Most Medical Practices Don't Work and What to Do About It (HarperBusiness).