Paul Kirk
Inspirational speaker who battled cancer and won talks about the lessons he's learned.
Once the stereotypical marketing man – busy, overweight, stressed. You name it, that was him ! Then not long after his 40th Birthday – fast paced living caught up. Paul was diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer and given 6 months to live Describing it then as the “Wake up call from Hell” – he now refers to his cancer diagnosis as a gift that saved his life.
He has yet to find any words that could even come close to describe what it felt like to receive that diagnosis, other that life seemed to flash past his eyes at a great rate of knots.
Paul had attended the funerals of friends and colleagues whose unsustainable lifestyle had caught up with them in their 30’s and 40’s – but not bullet proof Paul Kirk – “this type of thing doesn’t happen to ME!” Describing it then as the “Wake up call from Hell” – he now refers to his cancer diagnosis as a gift that saved his life. Paul embraced his cancer and refused to let it have any power over him. Preferring alternative methods - he went on to learn about how his body worked and lived with the belief that if his body could create this disease – it could get rid of it - naturally! During his cancer reversal, there was a critical moment on a beach where Paul realised his vision – to tell the world his story and lift the veil of ignorance surrounding un-wellness and disease. This message has been heard throughout Australasia with consistent feedback about the “inspiration” received. Every challenge is simply an opportunity to grow, into more of who we really are.
His secret comes down to being the very best one can be all the time, not just some of the time. Having the courage to go within, instead of seeking the answers in others. We are all dealt various cards that often can seem insurmountable. Its how we play them that makes the difference.
He now has a compelling, sustainable reason for getting out of bed in the morning to share the message of wellness and empower others to embrace a way of living that results in sustainable health and wellness.
• Inspiration – motivation
• ‘A Stress Free Day’
• Life Style Balance
• Health & Wellness
• Surviving Against the Odds
“Paul Kirk presented at our annual PORSE Conference in July 2007 with all 160 delegates placing him as one of the best motivational keynote speakers we had engaged over the last ten years.
The challenge for anyone presenting at our conference is the wide range of backgrounds within the audience from sales, marketing, finance, education and research. However the feedback received was 100% positive - for example “Paul made me think about my purpose in life and I thank him for that, awesome, amazing, inspirational, personal and touching, thought provoking, made me cry in a good way, vibrancy and passion, messages for life, life changing, peaceful, clean and clear outlook on life, pure food, pure air, pure water and pure love, used humour and personal story to keep everyone enthralled, wonderful to hear how passionate he is about knowing himself and what he can be….”
What most impressed PORSE was Paul’s natural ability to understand the greater purpose of our business first – what made us “tick”. He clearly understood the importance of our Company Vision and Mission and then personalized his presentation around our conference theme.
His true life story is naturally crafted to the core and through his style of telling it how it was and how it is now – he not only entertained but enthralled the audience and had them sitting on each and every word and action.
It was through Paul’s story that he captured our wide range of delegates who were then able to question and challenge their own personal and professional approach and purpose to life and business.
PORSE highly recommends Paul Kirk as a keynote motivational speaker to any organization that is seeking a WOW impact presenter with high energy levels that will engage and refresh any audience at anytime”.
PORSE In-Home Childcare Network