Sue Kedgley
MP since 1999, member of the Green Party and passionate about environmental and women's issues.
MP since 1999, member of the Green Party and passionate about environmental and women's issues.
Sue Kedgley has been a Green Party MP since 1999.
She has been a safe food campaigner for many years and was a founder of the Safe Food Campaign in New Zealand and the National Food Safety Network. She helped secure the Green budget bid for a $3 million dollar Nutrition Fund for schools and is working closely with the Minister of Health on the Food & Nutrition Guidelines for Schools.
She has an MA (Hons) in Political Science, and is the author or co-author of seven books, the most recent one entitled ‘Eating Safely in a Toxic World’.
She was a Wellington City Councillor for 7 years, a TV reporter/director/producer for 8 years, and worked for 8 years in the United Nations Secretariat, promoting women's issues and organising international conferences.