Lee Parore
Former Personal Trainer to Zin Zan Brooke, Sultan of Brunei, Jonah Lomu, and the Auckland Blues. A believer that in order for staff to perform at peak, they must feel mentally fit.
Balancing your lifestyle and coping with stress. Lee will give ideas to improve well-being which will benefit both business and personal life. An entertaining and motivating speaker, Lee has written several books including “The Competitive Edge” and ‘The Corporate Edge’ and most recently “Why are we killing our kids and ourselves”.
Lee is one of New Zealand’s leading personal trainers and wellness consultants. Lee talks about how the price of inaction far outweighs the price of action in all aspects of life – its about arming yourself with the right knowledge to implement strategies that harmonize the lifestyle reality of work, family and friends! In today’s competitive corporate world, a healthy, happy fit executive is a performing asset. For some time companies have recognised that a physically fit executive is able to perform at a consistently higher level than an overweight over-stressed executive. Lee’s session is energetic, fun and informative. He will inspire you with the knowledge and the tools to invest in your finest asset, your body, it’s health and its successful performance.
Lee presents the scientific knowledge combined with a passion and humour to show us how we can still lead a busy, competitive and successful business life and obtain and maintain our health. A healthy fit executive is a productive executive, one who has the energy to work long hours and the capacity to recover and do it again, consistently. He is a qualified Naturopath and “Corrective High Performance Exercise Kinesiologist”. He was a member of the Nike Aerobics Team that won the TVNZ Series ‘Clash of the Codes’ and has written seven books including ‘Competitive Edge’, ‘Corporate Edge,’ ‘Power Posture’ and ‘Fearless Spirit – Joyous Heart’, and his latest a series called ‘Stop Killing your Kids and Yourself – food is your best medicine’.
Lee has been a consultant to Les Mills Body Training Systems for their internationally successful program ‘Bodybalance’ and has worked with some of this country’s elite athletes such as Zinzan Brooke, Sean Fitzpatrick, Jonah Lomu, David Tua, Chessie Racing, Auckland Blues, various ‘Around the World’ and ‘America’s Cup’ yachting crews. His most colourful contract to date was outfitting a gym for the Sultan of Brunei.
Lee’s session is informative, highly interactive and his message is ‘our attitude shapes our experience . He will share strategies to: · Condition the body to combat stress, improve physical performance and prevent degenerative disease. · Eat in-synch with the body’s chemistry to improve health, speed recovery and double energy levels. · Create lifestyle wellness with our self, work, and life. · Balance the physical, mental and emotional, for general well-being. · Experience ‘choice and consequence’ from the head, the heart and the belly and ignite the fire. · It’s about the vibe you create, the footsteps you leave behind and what you stand for. Discover how food is your best medicine – how thinking impacts your life – how your body is the index for health. · Claim your health and well being and enhance your performance in life.
Now is the time to put your self in order for the future
Implement Lifestyle Balance
Understand choice and consequences
Learn to strengthen body, mind, and spirit
How to use the body as the health-index
Win the Stress Game
Improve your Health
Nutrition for Wellnesso Tools for Coping with Stress