Sean d'Souza
is the driving force behind "PsychoTactics", and an expert on using an understanding psychology to dramatically increase sales. 15+ years ago, he joined Leo Burnett one of the world's largest ad agencies. The skills he learnt took Sean on the heady road of copywriting, writing TV commercials (and how to do them in 5 seconds), graphic design, cartoons and web design. The underlying synchronicity was the constant search to find ways to communicate in the simplest, most effective manner. Sean has developed a system called Psycho Tactics. PsychoTactics unlocks the working of the human brain and radically tweaks the way you think and act about your business. This results in clarity of thought and greater profits.
Sean D'Souza is the driving force behind "PsychoTactics" and an expert on using and understanding psychology to dramatically increase sales. Fifteen years ago, he joined Leo Burnett one of the world's largest ad agencies. The skills he learnt took Sean on the heady road of copywriting, writing TV commercials, graphic design, cartoons and web design. The underlying synchronicity was the constant search to find ways to communicate in the simplest, most effective manner.
Sean has developed a system called PsychoTactics which unlocks the working of the human brain and radically tweaks the way you think and act about your business. This results in clarity of thought and greater profits.
Here is what David Garfinkel, Copywriting Genius and author, USA has to say about Sean “If you're wondering why your benefit-driven marketing isn't hitting the mark, Sean knows why and he'll tell you. Then he'll show you what you can do about it so you can be a lot richer, and your customers will be a lot happier!” Sean regularly writes for magazines, has appeared on TV and Radio worldwide. He is the author of several books including the very highly rated book called "THE BRAIN AUDIT".
PsychoTactics has received praise from businesses and marketing gurus from all over the world: He has over 800 testimonials on his website for a single book! The Brain Audit. "Sean D'Souza is to brains what Tiger Woods is to golf." Jay Conrad Levinson Author of Best Seller, "Guerrilla Marketing" series of books, USA
"This power-packed program (Brain Alchemy MasterClass) contains some of the best marketing and sales ideas ever discovered." Brian Tracy - Author, The Psychology of Selling. Brian has given more then 2,000 talks and seminars to over 3 million people, and has worked with more than 500 companies worldwide. Brian Tracy has produced more than 300 audio and video learning programs covering the entire spectrum of human and corporate performance.
If you and your business want to know why people buy and why they don’t, listen to Sean’s address.
• Why Customers Say No
• From prospect to client
• Who really owns your brand – Community owns the brand –
• Consumption and Service
• How to stand out in a crowded marketplace
• Branding and giving out information – Create the experience
• The experience Factor
• How To Convert Lukewarm Customers Into Red Hot Clients
• Have you seen a customer back out of a deal at the very last minute and What you can do to stop that from happening.
• How to get, keep and grow clients.
• How to get inside a client's brain. Find out what makes them buy and what stops them from buying.
• The Spider's Secret. How to use the power of giving to get and keep your clients. How to leverage your own unique talents to earn thousands, even millions of dollars without too much effort at all.