Ann Andrews CSP
"The Change Agent".
Ann Andrews CSP is a seriously inspirational entrepreneur who teaches organisations and individuals how to learn, unlearn and relearn so they can face any change and any challenge likely to hit their lives or their business.
Ann’s early experience in the military exposed her to astounding leadership skills and an unusual way of working that still amazes people. For the past 20 years Ann has passed on those skills to some of the largest corporates in New Zealand, showing them how a simple change in thinking can massively change their personal and business results.
An HR specialist of some 30 years standing, Ann is also a seasoned conference speaker. She is regularly invited back to challenge people with her infectious humour and common sense tips. One organisation has had her speak at their conference 5 years running! She has presented at conferences around the world, including Hong Kong, Singapore, London, Belgium, Australia and London.
Ann is a past National President of the National Speakers’ Association of New Zealand, and was the recipient of The Spirit of Excellence Award in 2000 and again in 2009, the highest award in the speaking profession. She is the only speaker in NZ to have received the award twice and is one of only ten CSPs (Certified Speaking Professional) in New Zealand.
Ann has authored four business books; co-authored a further 5 and has recently built a highly successful online training company www.thecorporatetoolbox.com so no organisation need ever say ‘we can’t afford to train our people in the current economic climate’.
Ann specialises as a conference opener. She delights audiences with her humour but can be equally successful as a respite between highly technical sessions or for the sleepy after lunch period.
All her keynotes are designed to give an audience real-life, practical tools designed particularly for dealing with the challenges of the modern workplace in a global downturn. They include:
• Boiled Frogs and Faulty Guillotines (Dealing with never ending change)
• The 4 ‘E’s’ of business in a ‘wired’ world: Efficiency, Effectiveness, Entrepreneurship and E-commerce
• Computer Says NO! (Dealing with ‘feed me – feed me’ attitudes in the workplace; particularly in recessionary times)
• How to turn ordinary groups into extra-ordinary teams
• I know I’m Here to do Something Great if I could Only Work out What it is (Finding your passion). Particularly popular with women’s conferences
• How to Motivate the Late, the Lazy and the Terminally Uninspired (dealing with less than fabulous performance)
All of Ann’s presentations are humorous; they are full of real-life stories; are always interactive and yet deal with the many tough challenges of doing business in the real world. Attendees never fail to leave one of her sessions challenged yet inspired.
All of these topics can be run as keynotes, break-out sessions, 2-4 hour workshops, or even all day sessions.
TESTIMONIALS – 15th Annual Mangers & Leadership Conference
- Great presenter. Ann's delivery was awesome. Thanks Ann
- Best speaker of the day. Much to think on. Ann's presentation was great and very informative and I will certainly use some of her points in my interaction with the team/staff.
- Great presentation and content. The best keynote speaker out of them all. Got a lot from her presentation able to relate to what she was talking about.
- This speaker can be my manager any day as she is definitely on track when it comes to respecting all people from all walks of life.
- Dead on the mark with this speaker, she was just what is needed, not just the normal stock standard management talk. Well done. A very 'real' presenter, down to earth manner, very valid and useable tools.
- Fantastic. Could have listened to her all day. She was such a wealth of knowledge put across in a relaxed manner.
- Well done on a great presentation. Some insightful and meaningful information and offered support to challenge the status quo within organisations which seems to be a problem for many. Thank you!
And from the conference organiser:
Thank you very much for your excellent presentation to our 15th Annual Managers & Leadership Conference last Wednesday. Our delegates really appreciated your address on ‘3 Essentials you didn’t know were important’.
We consider a delegate survey score of 3.7 is a good result, and 4 or above as excellent. Your scored 4.63 – well done! This is not only the best score of the conference, it’s the best equal score for the year so far (out of 70 speakers)!
Employers' & Manufacturers' Association (Northern) Inc.
I was amazed - 10 minutes into a one-hour presentation Ann had my employees involved and inspired. As a result of that one presentation we are ALL thinking differently. For the first time in my role as GM, the attendees are taking personal responsibility for outcomes rather than waiting for me to chase things along. Thank you for showing us the difference between parent/child and adult/adult. Coral Jonesse, General Manager, Dynamic Controls Ltd. Christchurch
Incredible. The speed that you established a rapport with the audience took my breath away (how did you do that?) Peter O'Halloran, GM, Macpac Wilderness Equipment, Christchurch
Ann Andrews is a dynamic and exciting presenter. Ann challenges the way people view the world and is extremely influential in “harnessing” the change process to help organisations move forward as a unified team. Carolyn Marriott
Employee Relations Manager, Bluebird Foods Ltd.
You certainly gave our team lots to think about and it was wonderful to see on an evaluation form the comment ‘Life is too short, I need to get out of child and into adult and take responsibility for myself’. Exactly the type of response we like to hear. Katharine Thorby Marketing Services Manager - CST Nexia
Thank you soooo much for the outstanding session you did at our conference. The feedback has been absolutely amazing. Emily Turnbull National Sales Facilitator - CanWest Radio
Congratulations on winning the ‘best paper’ prize at the OD Conference yesterday! The judges were unanimous that your presentation had modeled the purpose and values of the OD network and had miles of X-factor. Carolyn Lane - MD Navigate International Ltd.
Fantastic, realistic, clear and concise. Very logical – clearly knows her stuff from real life experiences – loved your stories. A great way to start the day. 7th Annual Executive, Management Assistant Conference
Ann’s experience as an ex Franchisor was incredibly enlightening for us all. She provided an informative and powerful message to our Franchisees during her session at the conference. The feedback from our Franchisees was extremely positive and they unanimously asked for her to speak again at our next conference. Kaye Lindsay - Franchisee Director
Thank you so much for your fab training the other day – the team raved about it after and thought you had a lovely presenting style. Thank you and well done. Sue Mortensen - Sales Manager Pfizer
Ann, on behalf of the GM of AA, myself and the team manager, I want to thank you for what you have done for us all. You have provided an environment for that team to be open and honest, whilst challenging their thinking in a non-threatening manner. Also your objective view of the team and how we function has been invaluable. Andrew Raddich, HR Manager Automobile Association
On the 2nd day of our 2 day conference, I asked the attendees what had been the highlight of the 1st day. Half the audience said Ann and the other half said ‘X’ and Ann …… We will be asking her to come back next year for sure. Faye Gardiner Business and Professional Women Inc
Excellent…Brilliant….Refreshing..... Confirming. A real eye opener - great addition to the conference. Feedback from Sustainability Conference Kevin Smit – Brightstar Conference Organiser
Just when I thought there was absolutely no hope for my team, you found us some. Thanks and thanks again. Senior Manager Aircraft Industry
I just wanted to say thank you so much for your outstanding presentation about the different levels of speaking and the time taken afterwards personally with me. It was so fantastic and I really enjoyed every second of it! I feel that your presentation changed the direction of my life. Very exciting! Ann is a powerful speaker who challenges and excites!
Tom O'Neil – MD of CV.CO.NZ (NZ) Ltd. Contributor to “What Color Is Your Parachute 2008, 2009 & 2010.
”Just wanted to let you know that you are wonderful Ann. We really enjoyed your seminar and the ability to have a good laugh at ourselves. Michaella Messenger – NZ Beauty Conference.
I am just so glad that I didn’t go shopping instead of attending Ann Andrews post conference workshop. Once again, she was an inspirational speaker, her session was interactive and I came away with tools to tackle some team issues and am happy to report that they have had significant impact!! She is funny and I just loved hearing her speak. She demonstrated great skill in packing so much into the session and I believe left nobody feeling that they hadn’t had support with their issue. Best of all we had the benefit of her wisdom and experience as well as a challenge of our beliefs and practice. Thanks Ann. Attendee- ASENZ Conference Wellington
‘Ann Andrews is AWESOME! Whether you have an audience of bishops, business managers or bus drivers, she will connect, coach and inspire. That's why our attendees have demanded her back, year after year since 2003!’ - Craig Carlyle, Event Director, National Maintenance Engineering Conference, October 2009